Toothaches in Baby Teeth

Toothaches in Baby Teeth

If your child expresses discomfort related to their teeth or jaw, chances are, they're experiencing a toothache. Your family dentist, in Burbank, IL, Dr. Gerald Ward of Burbank Family Dentistry recommends scheduling an immediate visit to examine the source of perpetual toothaches.

Causes of Toothaches

There are a few reasons why your child may be experiencing some tooth sensitivity, such as:

  • Teething- depending on your child's age, anywhere from 6 months old to getting their full set of 20 baby teeth, a toothache may be the result of incoming baby teeth from the gums.
  • Tooth decay- usually a result of the development of a cavity, which is rather common among children.
  • Slight chips or cracks- sometimes children with poorly aligned teeth or a grinding problem can develop microscopic cracks or chips, increasing tooth sensitivity.
  • Reckless brushing- your child may be brushing their teeth too harshly, which causes the protective enamel on the tooth's surface to weaken. Careless brushing like this can also cut the gums.
  • Sinus infections (sinusitis)- if your child is experiencing an infection or irritation of their sinus, they may experience greater tooth sensitivity.

Treating Toothaches

If you are unable to identify any noticeable concerns around the afflicted area, your family dentist in Burbank, IL, suggests assisting your child with flossing around the affected tooth. In the case of recurring pain, you may want to try the following:

  • Over-the-counter pain medication- oftentimes, giving your child ibuprofen or acetaminophen in the correct dosage can relieve any persistent pain.
  • Ice pack-in cases with swelling, placing a cold compress outside the jaw near the source of pain, will reduce swelling and discomfort. It's important to apply the ice pack in intervals so that your child's cheek does not burn from the ice.
  • Saltwater rinse- one cup of warm water and 1/2 a teaspoon of salt is another solution to alleviate your child's pain. They can either gurgle the saltwater solution or allow it to hover over the impacted area.

Visit Your Family Dentist

At-home solutions only minimize the pain temporarily, so you should visit your family dentist in Burbank, IL, Dr. Ward of Burbank Family Dentistry. To book an appointment, call our office today at (708) 424-2900.

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