Reasons You May Need a Tooth Extracted

Reasons You May Need a Tooth Extracted

Sometimes, extracting (removing) a tooth is the best option for your oral health. Your dentist in Burbank, IL, Dr. Gerald Ward of Burbank Family Dentistry, may recommend tooth extraction in one of these circumstances.

You have extensive damage to your tooth

A car accident, fall or blow to the face while playing sports could mean that your tooth may need to be removed. Although dentists can often save injured teeth, extraction may be the only option if you have a crack that extends into the root of a tooth. After your tooth is removed, you can replace it with a bridge or dental implant.

Your wisdom teeth are causing problems

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that usually appear when you're a teen or young adult. You have four wisdom teeth, one in each corner of your mouth. If your wisdom teeth poked through your gums (erupted) with no problem, you won't need to have them extracted.

Extraction is needed when wisdom teeth are partially or fully impacted, or blocked, by gum tissue or bone. These teeth will never erupt on their own and can cause pain, nerve damage, infections or cysts, or may push on other teeth, ruining their alignment. Removing your wisdom teeth can end your pain and help you avoid possible complications.

You have a severely decayed tooth

Your tooth may need to be removed if a cavity has destroyed much of the tooth or you have an infection in your tooth pulp due to decay. Teeth that have infections can be successfully treated with root canals in many cases, but not always. If a root canal isn't an option, you'll need to have the tooth removed. Be sure to call the Burbank dental office right away if you notice signs of infection, which can include pain, fever, facial swelling, swollen lymph nodes, swollen gums or pus around the tooth.

You're starting orthodontic treatment soon

You may need to have one or more teeth removed if you'll be straightening your teeth. If you have a crowding problem, extracting a few teeth will improve the result of your treatment.

Do you need a tooth extraction? Call your Burbank, IL, dentist, Dr. Gerald Ward of Burbank Family Dentistry, at (708) 424-2900 to schedule your appointment.

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